digital staff writer and freelance journalist

Olivia Stock is DJ Mag’s digital staff writer. She previously worked as a freelance journalist covering alternative music and culture across print and digital. Her writing can be seen in DIY Magazine, The Line of Best Fit, The Forty-Five, LICKS Mag, and others. Olivia was formerly Editor-in-Chief of the UK’s largest student music magazine, The Mic, as well as working on a freelance basis for a variety of independent record labels and PR firms.

Nottingham Launches new ‘Consent Coalition’
Olivia Stock Olivia Stock

Nottingham Launches new ‘Consent Coalition’

Last week saw the launch of Nottingham’s new Consent Coalition – a local initiative working to raise awareness of the importance of consent, challenge myths about sexual violence, and encourage survivors to access support. Olivia Stock reports.

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Kobe Bryant: The Forgotten Legacy
Olivia Stock Olivia Stock

Kobe Bryant: The Forgotten Legacy

A court-side tour de force and sporting sweetheart, it is difficult to see the life of Basketball kingpin Kobe Bryant as anything short of glittering, but in light of his recent tragic death, Olivia delves into the more turbulent margins of his legacy. 

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The Next Election will be Fought on Facebook
Olivia Stock Olivia Stock

The Next Election will be Fought on Facebook

Since its emergence in the late 1980s when entertainment platforms like radio, television talk shows, and tabloid newspapers, took on prominent political roles and gave rise to the infotainment genre, new media has changed the face of politics beyond recognition. News Editor, Olivia Stock explores the role of social media in the upcoming General Election.

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Mind the Generation Gap
Olivia Stock Olivia Stock

Mind the Generation Gap

Olivia Stock explores the social and political structures behind the widening contemporary generation gap, the history of age polarisation, and the damaging effect these are having on intergenerational relations.

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The Subconscious Power of Music Over Our Lives
Olivia Stock Olivia Stock

The Subconscious Power of Music Over Our Lives

Whilst many of us have revelled in the sentimental chords of Bon Iver for a bit of post-breakup catharsis and hoped Vivaldi’s Four Seasons might make for more productive revision, the power of music actually goes far beyond that which we are aware. Olivia Stock reports.

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Bands and Brands: The Changing Art of Selling-Out
Olivia Stock Olivia Stock

Bands and Brands: The Changing Art of Selling-Out

For generations of musicians and music lovers alike, “selling out” was the worst thing a musician could do. A stinging insult and verbal slap to the face, it meant sacrificing musical quality or original intentions in favour of commercial success. But is ‘selling out’ really as bad as it sounds, and could the modern digital world be driving all artists towards putting commercialism over creativity?

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