2021 Artist to Watch: Inhaler

Since not knowing what else to do for work experience and recording a couple of tracks together for a laugh, Inhaler have come an exceedingly long way. But with a rock‘n’roll streak inherited from Bono and an unbridled sense of tenacity and infatuation that saw the Dublin mob devote their teenage years to guitar music, was there really another likely outcome?

Taking liberal influence from the likes of Velvet Underground and The La’s however, Inhaler’s modern, synth-swathed melodies and hefty breakdowns make them far from a U2.0. Unkempt mullets, vintage glad rags, and a swagger akin to a young Paul Ryder provide the Irish rabble with certain probity in a TikTok era – 1990’s nostalgia repackaged for a new generation.

Now, caught in a state of flux between selling out US venues and keeping their sisters from moving into their rooms at home, the Dubliners were set for their biggest year yet, with scheduled bill spots alongside industry kingpins Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds and Kasabian.

Poised like a coiled spring, it seems merely a case of postponing the inevitable for Inhaler; a forthcoming debut record melding signature rollicking psych-rock riffs with a wry commentary on contemporary generational dependence on smartphones and social media looking to secure their ticket to the big-time – and the Mic are more than excited to come along for the ride.

Full feature here: https://www.themicmagazine.co.uk/post/the-mic-awards-2020


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